If you are considering giving an Irish Terrier a home or need to find a new home for you Irish Terrier, you have come to the right place.
As a numerically small Breed we are pleased to be able to report that Irish Terriers requiring Rescue are of a manageable number. However, when they do occur it often requires immediate action. We are proud of what Irish Terrier Rescue has achieved but none of this would be possible without the dedicated work put in by the Breed Club Rescue Officers and others who lend a hand when needed.
As helping these dog’s costs money, we do ask that a donation is given from those taking a rescue Irish Terrier. We are most grateful to friends and members who generously donate to out Rescue Fund ensuring our ability to cover most eventualities as they arise.
Irish Terrier Association: -
Miss Ann Bradley
Tel: 01733 205386
Email: - montelle@btinternet.com
Southern Irish Terrier Society: -
Mrs Jill Looker
Tel: 01264 850255
Email: - jlifeofreilly@aol.com
Obtaining a dog any Breed through rescue should not be seen as a ‘cheap’ way to obtain a pedigree dog. Irish Terriers come into Rescue for a variety of reasons:
The youngest dog we have re-homed was 12 weeks old and the oldest 11 years old. For these reasons, we do not operate on a ‘1st come, first served’ basis, rather we ask that prospective new owners are honest about the type of dog they are looking for in terms of age and background.
If we can encourage potential owners to think carefully before choosing this lovely breed and even if they choose not to take on a rescue, to put time and effort into finding a knowledgeable, responsible Breeder.
If we can inspire present owners to encourage their dogs to reach their full potential and to keep in touch with and support their Breed Club, then we are also helping reduce the numbers of dogs coming into rescue in the future.
Irish Terriers have a tremendous capacity for learning, for having fun and for life in general and a typical Irish will thrive on human companionship and mental stimulation. Coats are easy to maintain, feeding costs are low and working with an Irish Terrier in any discipline, whether it be agility, fly ball, or gun-work is a pleasure.
But ….before you get carried away, dreaming of your perfect life together, it must be understood that an Irish Terrier in need of a new home will come with its own unique character, shaped by its individual circumstances. Remember, dogs only do what they find rewarding to do and if a dog has learned from experience that interaction with humans is unpleasant and snapping is the best way to avoid it – then the dog will snap. Likewise, a dog that has learned that pulling on the lead means they get where they want to go that bit faster – the dog will pull. Working with a dog that has a ‘past’ is incredibly rewarding, but incredibly frustrating at times too.
Irish Terriers are high input – high output dogs; if you put in the time and energy you will be rewarded a thousand-fold. If your feel you have the experience and more importantly the time and willingness to work with a dog to fulfill its potential (whether it be as a working dog or an enjoyable, reliable family pet) then you are the sort of potential owner we are looking for.
The Irish Terrier Association, North of England Irish Terrier Club and the Southern Irish Terrier Society all work together when it comes to rescue and wherever you live, we will do out utmost to ensure that help and advice on any aspect of Irish Terrier care is only a telephone call away.